
Set Up All Company Codes for Payment Transactions in SAP (FBZP)

     In this activity, you have to make specification for the company that need to be involved in payment transactions. This is a general setting to let system know whether how to handle payment transaction for each company. The major setting for this step is to define available Sp.G/L for payment transaction and cash discount of payment. To split payment transaction, this is also need to set here.

Menu Path: SPRO -> Financial Accounting (New) -> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Business Transactions -> Outgoing Payments -> Automatic Outgoing Payments -> Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program -> Set Up All Company Codes for Payment Transactions

T-Code: FBZP

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1. Create new company

2. Make specification for new company

Control Data

Sending company code: This is normally use for cross-company code payment. Sending company code is the company code that known to the business partner. In case that you specify sending company, system will group payment transaction of companies which have same sending company code together.


Paying company code: You have to specify paying company code. Paying company code effects posting to bank account determination during automatic payment transaction. For more information about how to configure paying company <Click Here>.

Separate payment per business area: Selected this function to post payment transaction separately by business area.

Payment Method Supplement: Selected this function to activate payment method supplement. For more information about payment method supplement <Click Here>.

Cash discount and tolerances

     Tolerance days for payable: Specify the number of days by which the cash discount periods and period for the due date for net payment may be exceeded. If you specify tolerance days as “10”, net due date will be “baseline date + payment term + 10 days”.

Outgoing pmnt with cash disc.from: Specify the lower limit for payments with cash discount deduction. discount: Selected this function to let system always deduct maximum cash discount when automatically paying vendor invoice. Please note that this function should not be activated if you define lower limit cash discount. Because system will always deduct maximum cash discount instead.


Sp. G/L transactions to be paid: Specify a list of special G/L indicators while can be involved in payment.

Sp. G/L trans. for exception list: Specify a list of special G/L which not involved in payment.


Sp. G/L transactions to be paid: Specify a list of special G/L indicators while can be involved in payment.

Sp. G/L trans. for exception list: Specify a list of special G/L which not involved in payment.

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Label: Payment Configuration in SAP, How to set payment method in SAP. Payment Method Configuration in SAP. Payment Process Configuration in SAP, Overview Payment Configuration in SAP, SAP OBVU Configuration manual, SAP TCode OBVU, How to use OBVU, How to configure OBVU in SAP.


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