
Payment Configuration in SAP

     SAP control payment transaction at level of company code. Payment configuration in SAP can be divided into 2 types which are manual payment and automatic payment. Manual payment is the process to do incoming/outgoing payment manually by choosing open-item, enter bank account and post. But automatic payment, system select open-item from specification criteria, determines bank account for posting automatically and post massive documents. So, I split payment configuration into 2 parts. First part is for manual payment and second part is for automatic payment. Please note that first part is pre-requisite of second part.

1. Set Up All Company Codes for Payment Transactions

     Firstly, you have to make specification for the company that need to be involved in payment transactions. This is a general setting to let system know whether how to handle payment transaction for each company. The major setting for this step is to define available Sp.G/L for payment transaction and cash discount of payment. To split payment transaction, this is also need to set here.

2. Set Up Paying Company Codes for Payment Transactions

     Secondly, you can define minimum amount, bill of exchange function, form for payment advise and EDI form here. Each company may have same or different paying company based on requirement. If any company have same paying company characteristic, you can create only 1 paying company and assign paying company in company code in <step 1>.

3. Set Up Payment Methods per Country for Payment Transactions

     This activity is to create payment method in level of country. Country of payment method related to country of company code. If you need to create new payment method of company in Canada, you have to create payment method in country “CA”. This setting is a main controlling for payment transaction in system. You can specific payment method for either outgoing or incoming, type of payment method (bank transfer, check and etc.), document type and check form program.

4. Set Up Payment Methods per Company Code for Payment Transactions

     This is a final step for manual payment. After you complete 3 step aboves, you will get paying company setting in company code, payment method in country that you need. The last step is to assign payment method to company code. The reason that you have to assign payment method to company code because of each company code may have different requirement for each payment method. Payment by check in Canada for company code “CA01” and “CA02” may limit maximum amount differently. This all different in level company code will be set here.

Label: Payment Configuration in SAP, How to set payment method in SAP. Payment Method Configuration in SAP. Payment Process Configuration in SAP, Overview Payment Configuration in SAP.

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