
F5008 - No special G/L acct defined for acct type D Sp.G/L Ind. "X" recon.acct "XX"

Today someone in facebook ask about error message F5008. This is a simple error that everyone may found. So, I have write solution in my blog and hope it's useful for everyone ^___^.

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Error Message: No special G/L acct defined for acct type D sp.G/L ind. 5 recon.acct 140000


You want to post via a special G/L indicator which was not maintained completely in the system. The specification on which reconciliation account is to be updated in the general ledger is missing.


You have to maintain special account corresponding to reconcile account.


I try to enter customer code “T-S50A01” with special G/L “5”. Reconcile account of this customer code is “140000”. Error message that I got from system is “No special G/L acct defined for acct type D sp.G/L ind. 5 recon.acct 140000”. Only 2 steps that you have to do for solving this issue.

1. Enter T-Code “OBXR”

You will see special G/L configuration in this screen. Double click at the record of special G/L that you need to enter special G/L account.

2. Enter special G/L account for account type “D” and special G/L “5” 

Label : SAP Error Message F5008, SAP Error Message No. Special G/L account define for account type D sp. G/L A recon.acct, SAP FI Error Message


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