What is sets in SAP?
Set in SAP is a list of data which is generally used in report writer, substitution, validation and ABAP program. While you develop your report writer, substitution, validation and ABAP program, you don’t need to put syntax like “G/L account = 1100010 AND 1100020 AND 1100030”. If you use set to help you can put syntax like “G/L account IN ZSET01”. That’s it. This can help you to shorten your coding. But this is not the major advantage of set. The major advantage of set is a flexibility to revise syntax such as you create new G/L account and need new G/L account to show in your report. In this case, you just add new account into your existing set “ZSET01”.
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There are 4 types of sets in SAP.
1. Basic Set
This is a basic set as shown in the name. Basic set is use to kept specific value or range or value within one dimension. For example, you need to keep a list of asset account. You can maintain account 1100010, 1100020, 1100030 and 1100040 in one basic set.
2. Single Set (Single-dimension Set)
Single set is used to build hierarchy within a dimension. You can create single set by combining basic set or single set which use the same dimension.
For example
You need to build hierarchy of account. You may need to create basic set of asset account and liability account. Then, you create single set which refer to balance sheet and assign basic set of asset account and liability account into single set.
3. Multi Set (Multi-dimension Set)
Multi set is not too much different from single. It’s use the same concept but the different is multi set is used to create combination of set that use than one dimension. Multi set can be using both basic set and single set.
4. Key figure Set
How to create sets in SAP?
Menu Path: SAP menu à Accounting à Financial Accounting à Special Purpose Ledger à Tools à Set Maintenance à Sets
T-Code: GS01 – Create Sets
1. Define set name table reference and type of set.
2. Define field reference (required for basic set).
3. Assign value/sets
Related T-Code
GS01 - Create SetsGS02 - Change Sets
GS03 - Display Sets
GS04 - Delete Sets
Label : Sets in SAP, What is Sets in SAP, How to use Sets in SAP, How Sets work is SAP, Sets in SAP manaul, Sets in SAP Guideline, Multi-Dimension sets in SAP, Single-Dimension sets in SAP.