
What is SAP?

SAP is ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software. SAP stands for "System, Application & Products in Data Processing", ERP dynamo. SAP serves to store data within the organization. It can store data from production until payment account information. SAP is very useful in the planning of the company. Data in SAP linked to each other. It’s the integrated software. For example, when buying stock into the warehouse, SAP updates stock and record financial transaction in the same time. In this step, user can see financial report and also can link to warehouse management system to check quantity of stock. SAP help to reduce working procedure and time. It makes the organization more efficient.

SAP is unlikely other software. To use SAP, is not just installed and complete. SAP is a huge system that is developed to support all type of organization. Inside SAP, there are many features. So, it need SAP consultant to configure software to make it fit with each organization. To implement SAP, it takes very high investment. Organization has to buy SAP license, hire Consultant, prepare internal resource and take time for implementation. Once the implementation success, organization still needs to pay license for global supporting. Some companies succeed. Some companies fail. It depends on many factors such as quality of consultant, readiness of internal resource and etc.

Even SAP provides many features to support various business. But it's not cover 100%. SAP has their own programming language call "ABAP-Advance Business Application Programming". Once the SAP Consultant found that SAP is not fit the gap of organization's business, SAP Consultant will request ABAPer (SAP Programmer) to develop additional program. In development process, SAP also provide many function for development. ABAPer doesn't need to start from zero.

10 million users, 30,000 installations, 1000 partners and 21 industry solutions are using SAP. Customers are world-wide. 95% of German companies use SAP. SAP is fourth largest software company in the world. Let's learn more about this word-wide and useful software.

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